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Accessories and Spares/Consumables

Type Product Name Product Code Standard Code

• Hand operated
• Rugged, high strength frame
• Double-action hydraulic pump
• Dual calibrated (kN/lbf) gauge

This compact flexural machine is designed for testing 100 mm and 150 mm square section beams. The base incorporates a series of bearer locating points, enabling a wide range of tests to be performed.

The unit is self contained with hydraulic pressure applied through a double-action hand pump to a ram fitted in the top of the frame making this an ideal portable onsite quality control machine. A 200 mm diameter load gauge, dual calibrated to 50 kN x 0.1 kN and 11000 lbf x 50 lbf graduations is fitted as standard.

Complies to EN 12390-5 (BS 1881-118), EN 1521, EN 13161, EN 772-6, ASTM C78/C78M, ASTM C293/C293, AASHTO T97, AASHTO T177.

**Not available for sale in the USA**

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