

  • Temperature range (Deg.C): 0.1: -99.9 to 299.9
  • Acurracy: (Deg.C): ±0.4
  • Resolution (Deg.C): 0.1
  • Temperature range (Deg.C): 1:300 to 1372
  • Accuracy (Deg.C): ±0.1%
  • Resolution (Deg.C) : 1

Accessories and Spares/Consumables

Type Product Name Product Code Standard Code

The Digital Grain Thermometer is supplied with a long stainless steel needle and is ideally suited for applications where a longer probe is required. ie grain silos.

The stainless steel probe is 1 metre in length with a diameter of 9.5mm. Probe temperature range: -75 to 250 Deg.C.


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