Product code: 38-3005
Category: Soundness Sub Category: N/A
Product Group: General Expansion of Dry Hydrated Lime by the Le Chatelier Method, Soundness of Cement Paste by the Le Chatelier Method
Type | Product Name | Product Code | Standard Code | |
Accessories | Extensibility of Mould Apparatus BS | 38-3200 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Extensibility of Mould Apparatus EN | 38-3205 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Le Chatelier Water Bath | 38-3420/01 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Tamping Rod | 38-3300 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Trowel - Gauging | 81-0335 | NA | Visit Page |
Comprising a split cylinder fitted with two indicator stems. The mould is supplied complete with two glass plates and a weight 100 g ±10 g. Three moulds required for each test.
**Not available for sale in the USA**