Product code: 34-6122/01
Category: Fresh and Hardened Concrete Testing Sub Category: Capping of Cylinders
Product Group: Melting Pot
Type | Product Name | Product Code | Standard Code | |
Accessories | Flake Capping Compound to ASTM C617 22Kg | 34-6100 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Vitrobond High Strength Capping Compound | 34-6110/05 | NA | Visit Page |
This unit is suitable for melting wax and capping compound and comprises a metal container in a welllagged steel jacket. A thermostatic control and stand-by heat switch are fitted. Supplied complete with lift-off cover.
Complies to EN 12390-3, ASTM C617/C617M, ASTM C31/C31M, ASTM C42/C42M, ASTM C39/C39M, ASTM C192/C192M, AASHTO T22, AASHTO T23, AASHTO T24, AASHTO T126, AASHTO T231.
**Not available for sale in the USA**
for 220 – 240 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz, 1 ph.