Product code: 29-3925
Category: In-situ Density, Fresh and Hardened Concrete Testing Sub Category: Sampling, Consistency and Workability
Product Group: Proctor Penetrometer, Setting Time by Penetration Resistance
Type | Product Name | Product Code | Standard Code | |
Accessories | Case for Proctor Penetrometer. | 29-3933 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Set of Needle Points 1 1/2 1/4 1/10 1/20 1/40 Inch Sq. | 34-0810 | NA | Visit Page |
Accessories | Syringe with Rubber Bulb. | 82-2820 | NA | Visit Page |
Supplied complete with set of needles, 29-3929
**Not available for sale in the USA**