Product code: 27-1553
Category: Soil Strength (Triaxial), Data Logging, Software and Electronic Instrumentation Sub Category: Measurement instrumentation, Instrumentation for Triaxial testing
Product Group: Load Measurement, Load Measurement
Type | Product Name | Product Code | Standard Code |
•Repeatability better than ± 0.02% of rated output
•Non-Linearity better than ± 0.03% of rated output
•Supplied complete with 5-pin DIN type connector for connection to GDU
Ideally suited for a wide range of applications, ELE S-type load cells provide high accuracy and minimum deformation. Various models are available, with the necessary adaptors, for use with ELE Triaxial Load Frames, Multiplex 50/Marshall Test 50/CBR Test 50 and Direct Shear machine.