Product code: 27-1575
Category: Soil Strength (Triaxial), Data Logging, Software and Electronic Instrumentation Sub Category: Measurement instrumentation, Instrumentation for Triaxial testing
Product Group: Load Measurement, Load Measurement
Type | Product Name | Product Code | Standard Code |
•Eliminates effects of piston friction on readings
•Unaffected by cell confining pressures
•Easily installed in triaxial cell
•Supplied complete with calibration certificate and 5-pin DIN type connector for use with GDU
Submersible Load Transducers are used to measure accurately the axial loads applied to triaxial test specimens. Consisting of a load cell and piston assembly these units replace the standard triaxial cell loading piston. A major advantage is that these transducers measure loads directly on top of the specimen. All transducers are supplied complete with a 5-pin DIN type connector and calibration certificate.